During the Summit, “Engaging Together to be Healthy: Facing Difficulties, Finding Solutions!” you will come away with ways to:
- Communicate effectively with all stakeholders
- Engage and empower parents to support student success and overall well-being
- Advocate for the needs of every child in your school, community or state
- Develop partnerships that support growth and mission implementation
Plan your Workshop Itinerary
Browse the list of workshop sessions below to plan your itinerary. To print the 2021 Health Summit Program Brochure click here:
Session A (runs from 10:00 am to 11:00 am)
The 3D Approach: Strategies for Helping Parents and Educators Improve the Mental Wellbeing of their Children/Students
In this workshop, Karen Gross will provide some concrete strategies that can be deployed in homes and schools that will provide the mental wellness of children/students exposed to trauma. The title captures the essence of this workshop: we have to add a new 3D lens to the way we operate so we can better see who our students actually are. Only then can we help them move forward in ways that are grounded in reality. There will be concrete takeaways that parents and educators can adopt to their own home/school.
presented by Karen Gross
Coping Skills for Current Times: Supporting Mental Health of K-6 Youth
Join Linda for an engaging workshop about supporting children grades K-6 in developing coping skills for the current times. With the increase in anxiety, depression, loneliness, and fear children often turn inward or act out to manage their mental health. Linda will provide you with a framework to understand these responses, share the most common emotional needs and behaviors, and provide strategies for supporting a child’s mental health and wellness. Interactive Q&A to follow.
presented by Linda Price
Alcohol, Cannabis & Nicotine: Changes to Youth Use During Pandemic
During her workshop, Sharon will briefly review the neurobiology of alcohol and cannabis, and then discuss changes to adolescent substance use during the pandemic.
presented by Dr. Sharon Levy
Fostering Resilience
As mental health issues continue to plague our youth, it has become a primary goal to provide children tools to overcome adversity. Resilience is the quality needed most when facing life’s challenges, it can be learned and will grow with practice. This workshop will discuss specific ways we can coach children and teens to be more effective and resilient. Together we will review strategies/fun activities to improve sense of self connections with others.
presented by Jennifer Moitoso
Supporting Students Who Experience Anxiety
Anxiety is a common mental health challenge among children and adolescents- in fact, one in four teens will experience problems with anxiety at some point. Especially in light of an anxiety-producing worldwide pandemic, classroom teachers may wonder what they can do to recognize and understand anxiety, and to provide active coping mechanisms for students experiencing anxiety. This training will walk participants through the symptoms of anxiety, seek to dispel common myths about it, and offer a range of strategies for supporting students experiencing anxiety in the classroom. Participants will also have the chance to reflect on what they learn and apply their understanding to sample situations.
presented by John Crocker
GBPFLAG – LGBTQ+ Community Support
Learn some of the key terms and concepts surrounding LGBTQ+ identities and begin to understand the importance of creating more inclusive and affirming learning and living environments. Hear directly from a parent of two transgender children about navigating the educational system.
presented by René Rives
Teaching in Color: Part I
In the two part presentation, Jennifer Hedrington and Abdel Supulveda will take us on a journey from looking at the state of the question in education to assessing our students experiences in order to create a system rooted in equity, love and hope.
presented by Abdel Sepulveda & Jennifer Hedrington
Vaccines Work: How We Can Spread the Message
Rick Moriarty will discuss life before vaccines, how vaccines were developed and are monitored, and how vaccines have resulted in the reduction/elimination of vaccine preventable diseases. David will following him, discussing how you can become a vaccine ambassador by starting a student health club in your schools. The session will end with Q&A .
presented by Richard Moriarty, MD & David Martin
Rising Through Adversity
Today most people hear the words diversity and think color. Diversity comes in so many different ways. Including
Rising throughDiversity is presented by Jenn Johnson with follow up discussion with the diversity
panel presenters. Thursday, March 13 2020 at11Pm,the residents in the state of Michigan collectively
learned that we would shut down. The enemy was not just global contagion that would wreak havoc
through our communities. The heroes were and remain those who in the face of adversity, rose like a
phoenix for their fellow human beings.
presented by Amy Arness, Candy Jo Bracken, Erik Champy, Jennifer Johnson, Anna King, MJ Rodriguez and Juan San Miguel
Spark Kindness and Building Healthy & Connected Community
SPARK Kindness, Inc. is a Massachusetts based nonprofit with more than 8,000 members and the mission of supporting healthy, resilient, inclusive and connected youth and families. SPARK’s founder, Christine Fortune-Guthery, will discuss the history of the organization, how she became an “accidental” parent/community organizer, and SPARK’s work to promote community, connection, and emotional health during the pandemic and beyond. Questions are welcome!
presented by Christine Fortune-Guthery
Session B (runs from 11:15 am to 12:15 pm)
From Perfect to Purpose: A student’s struggle with anxiety, perfectionism, and substance use
From an early age, Elizabeth thought her purpose in life was to be perfect. Surrounded by chaos and chronic illness, she thought she needed to appear happy, healthy, and high-achieving, but underneath she was struggling with anxiety, disordered eating, excessive exercise, and suicidality. Elizabeth shares her story to help adults better understand the inner lives of youth, especially those who look like they have it all. Q&A to follow. For audiences 12yrs+.
presented by Elizabeth O’Neill
Coping Skills for Current Times: Supporting Mental Health of K-6 Youth
Join Linda for an engaging workshop about supporting children grades K-6 in developing coping skills for the current times. With the increase in anxiety, depression, loneliness, and fear children often turn inward or act out to manage their mental health. Linda will provide you with a framework to understand these responses, share the most common emotional needs and behaviors, and provide strategies for supporting a child’s mental health and wellness. Interactive Q&A to follow.
presented by Linda Price
Healthy Behavior with Screen Time
Screened out? Social media manipulation? You? Your children? We will share ways to offset the technology overload that your household may be experiencing. It happens in your homes, too! We will look at this from a new lens and help you empower your family to make healthy screen choices. We know that information and influence is hitting our children at a rapid rate all day long. It’s scary. Let’s help them navigate this.
presented by Jane Singh and Christine Chastanet
Puff Bar, Hyde, Juuling & Schooling in a Changing Landscape
The landscape of student tobacco use and vaping is rapidly changing in Massachusetts. Products such
as Puff Bars, Hyde and JUUL puts students at high risk of nicotine addiction, respiratory disease, mental
health disorders, and progression to other substance use. Advice, tips and potential solutions will be
covered in this presentation and in the Q&A following the presentation.
presented by Jonathon Winikoff, MD and Lester Hartman, MD
Fostering Resilience
As mental health issues continue to plague our youth, it has become a primary goal to provide children tools to overcome adversity. Resilience is the quality needed most when facing life’s challenges, it can be learned and will grow with practice. This workshop will discuss specific ways we can coach children and teens to be more effective and resilient. Together we will review strategies/fun activities to improve sense of self connections with others.
presented by Jennifer Moitoso
Trauma-Sensitive Classrooms
Many students will return to school grappling with individual and community trauma, in many cases trauma that has been exacerbated by the effects of the pandemic. Designing a trauma-sensitive classroom will be essential to supporting student learning. This training will cover the essentials of trauma-sensitive practice, starting with building an understanding of how trauma is defined, its causes, and its impact. The session will also seek to respond to pressing questions facing school-based staff: Without knowing which students have experienced trauma, how can a school create a culture that is sensitive to trauma and actively seeks to reduce re-traumatization? How does trauma sensitivity fit into a tiered system of support? Participants will have the chance to reflect on their own and their school’s practice as they think about next steps in building a trauma-sensitive learning environment.
presented by John Crocker
GBPFLAG – LGBTQ+ Community Support
You’ve learned some of the basics about LGBTQ+ identities and how to support LGBTQ+ students and children. Now what? How do we, as educators, parents, guardians, caregivers, and loved ones, proactively create more openness in our communities that makes room for everybody, regardless of identities? Come learn more about concrete action steps you and your colleagues and peers can take through our specific tools, resources and recommendations.
presented by René Rives
Teaching in Color: Part II
In the two part presentation, Abdel Supulveda and Marta Garcia will take us on a journey from looking at the state of the question in education to assessing our students experiences in order to create a system rooted in equity, love and hope.
presented by Abdel Sepulveda & Marta Garcia
Vaccine: Getting Back on Track After the Pandemic and Avoiding Another Covid Peak
Rick Moriarty will discuss the fall off in routine vaccines during the pandemic and why it is important to catch up on recommended vaccines (including flu vaccine). Bill will discuss current COVID-19 vaccination in children (12+, trials in children younger than 12) and why getting a COVID-19 vaccine will reduce the spread.
presented by Rick Moriarty, Bill Potts-Datema, David Martin and Cynthia McReynolds
Diversity is Different for Every Community – a Panel Analysis and Discussion
Today most people hear the word diversity and think color. Diversity comes in so many different ways
and including everyone grows the richness and depth of every every activity and discussion. Alaska has
the most diverse community in the US and many of the most diverse schools at every level. We are proud
of our diversity and the work that can be accomplished when we involve everyone.
panel presented by Amy Arness, Candy Jo Bracken, Dr. Eric Champy, Anna King, Matthew John Rodriquez, and Juan San Miguel
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education – Efforts Supporting Social-Emotional Learning, Health, & Safety
Join us to learn about a variety of DESE resources and offerings that help bolster efforts to support student, staff and family well-being and safety. The goal of these efforts is to promote systems and strategies that foster equitable, culturally-responsive and sustaining, safe, positive, healthy, and inclusive learning environments that address students’ varied needs and improve educational outcomes for all. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions and share thoughts and ideas about needed supports.
presented by Kristen McKinnon, Lisa Harney and Becca Shor
Town Hall Session
Panel Members include: Jennifer Hedrington, Linda Price, Jonathon Winikoff, John Crocker, Anna King, MJ Rodriguez, Elizabeth O, and David Martin