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In May 2023, the U.S. Surgeon General sounded the alarm on an epidemic of loneliness in the United States, with some of the highest rates among Gen Z (those ages 11 to 26). Are you worried about a child or teenager who is struggling with loneliness? Do you know a child who may be at risk?
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, young people had been struggling with feelings of loneliness and isolation. Gene Beresin, MD, MA, a child and adolescent psychiatrist and clinical educator of more than 40 years, has been following and concerned about this trend for years. In this webinar, Dr. Beresin will outline the causes and risks for loneliness among adolescents, review recommendations for parents and caregivers from the U.S. Surgeon General’s advisory and provide more depth and practical guidance on ways to implement these recommendations in everyday life.
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Gene Beresin, MD, MA is Executive Director of the Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Director of Education for the Division of Professional and Public Education in the MGH Department of Psychiatry, and a full Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. As a child and adolescent psychiatrist and clinical educator of more than 40 years, Dr. Beresin has focused on prevention, early intervention, and treatment of teens and young adults. He has been a keynote speaker at local and international conferences, and is often called upon by news media to weigh in on issues relevant to this vulnerable population and the unique impact of societal issues.
Dr. Beresin has consulted with a variety of television shows including ER, Law and Order SVU, and Parentalogic by PBS NOVA. He was Consultant to the Emmy Award winning HBO children’s specials, Goodnight Moon and Other Sleepytime Tales (2000), Through a Child’s Eyes: September 11, 2001 (2003) and Classical Baby (2005). Dr. Beresin currently co-hosts the Clay Center podcast, Shrinking It Down: Mental Health Made Simple.
In addition to his current role at The Clay Center, Dr. Beresin also directs the Elizabeth Thatcher Acampora Endowment, an outreach program to meet the needs of underserved youth and families in three community settings. Dr. Beresin has served as a leader of many national organizations and has won a number of local and national teaching awards. He is currently serving a term as President of the American College of Psychiatrists.
The Massachusetts Parent Teacher Association has for 112 years advocated for children and
families and our mission remains as important today as it did when we were founded: to make
every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to
advocate for all children.
[Lexington, MA, February 27, 2022] – During this time of uncertainty for many it is imperative that our children, families, teachers and educators know that we value them and that the Massachusetts Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is working diligently to ensure their voices are heard.
On February 9, 2022 Governor Charlie Baker with Commissioner Jeffrey Riley, announced the lifting of a statewide school mask mandate. The Massachusetts PTA, as advocates for parents and educators, surveyed their members and the greater Massachusetts community to gage what the community was feeling about the lifting of the mandate. Within the week, the MA PTA survey received 6,914 responses (88% indicated they are parents/guardians, 7.8% teachers, and 5.5% also healthcare workers) with a clear majority, 87%, indicating in favor of optional masking in K-12 public schools and removing the current mask mandate. Additionally, 11.8% of respondents were not in favor of lifting the mandate.
It is the position of the Massachusetts PTA and National PTA that the health safety and welfare of our children, families, educators and communities are of the utmost importance. We recommend that all communities continue to heed the recommendations of the CDC as the foremost authority on disease in the United States.
Finally, as we work with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, our parents and our communities we strongly urge everyone to be sensitive to others personal decisions. MA PTA believes each parent needs to decide what is comfortable for their child and no child, parent, or teacher should be made to feel uncomfortable or maligned in any way if they decide to stay masked or unmasked as long as they are following the guidelines.
The Massachusetts Parent Teacher Association has for 112 years advocated for children and families and our mission remains as important today as it did when we were founded: to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.