PTA’s mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
As I step into the presidency of the Massachusetts PTA, I first have to thank Jennifer Francioso for her leadership, her friendship, and her mentoring in preparing me for the journey ahead as well as the countless hours she has spent and continues to spend supporting our local units. She has served you and the Massachusetts PTA well, as president and for many years before that. Jennifer is remaining on the board as treasurer, a job she excels at, and knowing she is there is certainly reassuring. The rest of the board of directors consists of:
• President-elect: Madison Estes
• Vice President of Leadership: Barbara Bailey
• Secretary: Kathresha Cureton
• Federal and State Advocacy Chair: Susan Bogosian
• Health, Safety, and Wellness Chair: Jackie Coogan
• Membership Chair: Karen DeRoche
• Communications Chair: Stephanie Gray
• Reflections Chair: Mikki Wilson
• Special Education Chair: Tricia DiPasquale
• Diversity and Inclusion Chair: Erik Champy
These board members are all volunteers, just like you. Nearly all work full-time along with working tirelessly to advocate, educate and advance the PTA mission.
These are your leaders, but YOU, our members, are our voice. In these turbulent and divisive times, Our voice must be strong. You are that strength. You are the voice in your schools and your communities, in our state and in our country, committed to ensuring that children are healthy, safe and well-educated.
My goal this year is to strengthen the connection between the Massachusetts PTA and you through monthly newsletters, our website and social media, conference calls, webinars, and personal visits. Let’s make that first connection at our Summer Leadership Training. Dates, times and locations of planned training are listed below including links for registering. We are still looking for locations in the Pittsfield/Berkshires area as well as the greater Springfield area. If you would like to host one in your area, please let us know.
Thank you all for everything you do. I look forward to serving you for the next two years and welcome your input.
Have a wonderful, productive year!
Maryalice Foisy