Leadership Recruitment

Letter of Interest
Please complete the Letter of Interest form if you might consider contributing your skills to the work of the MA PTA. It’s a short form that indicates your interests and possible areas of involvement on the MA PTA Governance Team.
If we might be able to utilize your skills, a second form will be sent to obtain additional information, and if there is an opening that you could fill, the Nominating Committee will contact you to further explore the possibility of your participation in a phone interview. Leaders at the PTA state level are appointed for two years.
We look forward to hearing from you! Thank you for your willingness to share your time and talents.
Looking for Leaders
Advocating for our families and making every child’s potential a reality takes the passion and dedication of many volunteers. Leaders at the state level of PTA come from all corners of our state. The legacy of MA PTA continues to thrive because of the leaders developed from local unit, council and region PTAs as well as those who bring specific volunteer and/or professional expertise to our advocacy.
PTA speaks for every child with one voice. PTA leaders have diverse talents and abilities and each person adds something unique to the team. Leaders are born, created, and dedicated! PTA provides training to support the growth and development of leaders. All PTA leaders share their willingness to grow and their willingness to be an active member.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns about the leadership development process, please contact our Nominating Committee: nominating@masspta.org

(thank you to NYS PTA for sharing with us)