It’s National Arts in Education Week! Why not start a PTA Reflections program in your school community? Contact Massachusetts PTA for instructions and materials. Use the 2015-16 Reflections Toolkit to guide your PTA/PTSA and make your Reflections program a success.
Step 1: Start the Arts
Watch this 30min video or take the Reflections Leader e-learning course to walk through a step-by-step process for engaging students, parents and educators in Reflections while learning about resources and tools provided by your State PTA and National PTA.
Step 2: Organize and Plan Your Program
Recruit a committee/team of volunteers to assist with program tasks. Also recruit community arts professionals to review artwork and determine awards. Customize your checklist to organize tasks and schedule deadlines.
Step 3: Promoting Reflections
Announce your call for entries using PTA, school and community communication channels. Be sure to include a deadline and drop off location as well as submission instructions. Consider these Tips for Promoting Reflections.
Step 4: Organize Artwork for Judging
First, check-in entries and review artwork for qualification. Organize entries by division and category, then assign them to a judge.
Step 5: Celebrate and Recognize Your Participants
Start with the Reflections celebration guide to help plan your event. Share the media advisory and press release with local media.
Step 6: Wrap Up
Be sure to thank school staff, community partners, PTA members and judges. Organize information to share with PTA and school leaders.
Questions? Contact Mikki Wilson, Massachusetts PTA Reflections Chair, for a guide, state-specific dates, forms and additional information.